Exactly one month go I posted a little message stating that I’m going to venture into the world of angularJS. This blogpost is for myself as a post-it note to keep the most important parts easy to find:
- the framework is awsome
- the framework is awsome
- the framework is awsome
- the framework is awsome
keeping track of scope variables can be a pain in the ###. Use $scope.$watch(‘<variable name>) to get notified about changes. first call is always some sort of initialization call!
use inline scopes in directives, this way the directive can be mean and clean.
scope: { variable: "outervariable", variable: "@attribute", }
use $http for low level ajax calls. $http uses promises. Promises are a observer/observable like tech to call funtions when a specified asynchronous task completes. When multiple ‘objects’ use the same service add a addListener method like so
var service = function($scope, $http) { var listeners = []; var self = this; this.addListeners = function(l) { this.listeners.push(l); } this.doGet = function() { $http.get('<someurldotstuff', self.onSuccess, self.onError); } this.onError = function(data) { for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) { listeners[i].onError(data); } } this.onSuccess = function(data) { for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) { listeners[i].onSuccess(data); } } }
This way you can have multiple ‘listeners’ and don’t worry in your service on what is happening and break things by changing parsing the result.
Don’t use anonymous functions!! Use a function defined at /App/controllers.js It makes your life easier
When defining a controller be aware of the DI properties. Always check the order of things 😉
Divide and conquer
Use the following app structure*
– /App
/App/libs : Contains all the javascript libraries needed to get it working such as moment.js or something similar
/App/pojo: Contains your ‘classes’ that are to be used. For instance in my runkeeper project I have a pojo for a workout, for a list of workouts and for heartrate data.
/App/app.js: Main module for the project.
/App/controller.js: Controller javascript. Contains all the controllers used throughout the application. no mather where they are used, in directives or just as a basic view controller.
/App/services.js: service object definitions module
/App/directives.js: main service definition module. Uses controller.js and service.js to get the work done. *be aware of this in <html><header>
/Templates: contains the main view templates
/Templates/partials: contains sub templates such as used by directives.